Most recently published papers

Mariolis, T., & Ntemiroglou, N. (2023). Matrix multipliers, demand composition and income distribution: Post-Keynesian–Sraffian theory and evidence from the world's ten largest economies. Metroeconomica, 74(4), 658–697.



Mariolis, T., & Veltsistas, P. (2022). Zero measure Sraffian economies: New insights from actual input–output tables. Contributions to Political Economy, 41(1), 7–34.



Mariolis, T., & Kesperi, D. (2022). Demand multipliers and technical performance of a Southern Eurozone economy in hard times: Kalman–Leontief–Sraffa evidence from the Greek economy, 2010–2014. Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review, 19(1), 47–75. 



Mariolis, T. (2022). Special feature on “The European Union Economy after the COVID-19 Pandemic Outbreak”: the fear of economy and the economy of fear. Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review, 19(1), 425–428. 



Mariolis, T., with the collaboration of N. Rodousakis, & G. Soklis (2021). Spectral theory of value and actual economies. Controllability, effective demand, and cycles. Evolutionary Economics and Social Complexity Science, Vol. 24. Singapore: Springer. [Authors’ Contributions: Theodore Mariolis wrote Chaps. 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, and 11 (excluding Sect. 11.3), and coordinated the work. Nikolaos Rodousakis wrote Chap. 10 and Sect. 11.3. George Soklis wrote Chaps. 1, 5, and 7.].



Mariolis, T., Rodousakis, N., & Soklis, G. (2021). The COVID-19 multiplier effects of tourism on the Greek economy. Tourism Economics, 27(8), 1848–1855.



Mariolis, T., Rodousakis, N., & Soklis, G. (2021). Inter-sectoral analysis of the Greek economy and the COVID-19 multiplier effects. European Politics and Society, Special issue “Eurozone and economic crisis in Greece at 2020: Current challenges and prospects”.



Mariolis, T. (2021). Competing theories of value: A spectral analysis. Contributions to Political Economy, 40(1), 1–25.



Dissecting the input-output structure of the Greek economy 2005-2010 (with E. Leriou, G. Soklis), Economia Internazionale/International Economics, 72(4), pp. 453-474, 2019.



Wage versus currency devaluation, price pass-through and income distribution: A comparative input–output analysis of the Greek and Italian economies (with N. Rodousakis, A. Katsinos), Journal of Economic Structures, 8:9, 2019.  



 A non-linear Keynesian Goodwin-type endogenous model of the cycle: Bayesian evidence for the USA (with K. N. Konstantakis, P. G. Michaelides, E. G. Tsionas), Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics & Econometrics, 23(1), 2019.



Less is more: Capital theory and almost irregular-uncontrollable actual economies (with L. Tsoulfidis), Contributions to Political Economy, 37(1), pp. 65-88, 2018



The foreign-trade leakages in the Greek economy: Evidence from the supply and use table for the year 2010, East-West Journal of Economics and Business, XXI (1-2), pp. 135-155, Special Issue: The Greek Economic Crisis, 2018



A Sraffian (no) trade-off between autonomous demand and transfer payments, Metroeconomica, 69 (2), pp. 473-487, 2018


Mean and ‘Third Man Argument’ in the Aristotelian Theory of Exchange Values (in Greek), Statistical Review, 11-12, pp. 142-160, Special Issue in Honor of Professor Ioannis Vavouras, 2018


Value, tertium comparationis and area (in Greek), Appendix to the paper: Mariolis, T. (2018). Mean and  Third Man Argument in the Aristotelian theory of exchange values


The static demand multipliers in a joint production framework: Comparative findings for the Greek, Spanish and Eurozone economies (with N. Ntemiroglou and G. Soklis), Journal of Economic Structures, 7: 18, 2018


The Sraffian autonomous demand-transfer payments curve for the Greek Economy (in Greek; with N. Ntemiroglou and G. Soklis), Statistical Review, 11-12, pp. 24-37, Special Issue in Honor of Professor Ioannis Vavouras, 2018


The static Sraffian multiplier for the Greek economy: Evidence from the supply and use table for the year 2010 (with G. Soklis), Review of Keynesian Economics, 6 (1), 114-147, 2018



An Intersectoral Analysis of the Greek Economy: Evidence from the Symmetric Input-Output Tables for the years 2005 and 2010 (with E. Leriou and G. Soklis), Bulletin of Political Economy, 10 (2), pp. 137-159, 2016


Capital theory ‘paradoxes’ and paradoxical results: resolved or continued? (with L. Tsoulfidis), Evolutionary and Institutional Economics Review, 13 (2), pp. 297-322, 2016


Testing Bienenfeld’s second-order approximation for the wage-profit curve, Bulletin of Political Economy, 9 (2), pp. 161-170, 2015


Written on 23/11/2018, 20:11 by gsok
Dear Editorial Board Members, Unfortunately, due to unexpected circumstances, I am unable to continue my collaboration with the “Bulletin of Political...
Written on 11/12/2011, 21:56 by admin
Abstracts RESIGNATION LETTER: «Bulletin of Political Economy», March 6, 2018 1. Bulletin of Political Economy - June 2007   2. Bulletin of Political...
Written on 11/12/2011, 21:53 by admin
Contents RESIGNATION LETTER: «Bulletin of Political Economy», March 6, 2018 1. Bulletin of Political Economy - June 2007 2. Bulletin of Political...
Written on 11/12/2011, 21:44 by admin
callRESIGNATION LETTER: «Bulletin of Political Economy», March 6, 2018
Written on 11/12/2011, 21:41 by admin
Internal Reports 2006 Mariolis, T. (2006). On the matrix of technical coefficients. Mariolis, T. (2006). Profits, values and surplus values in open...
Written on 11/12/2011, 21:40 by admin
Presentation   The "Study Group on Sraffian Economics" (SGSE) was founded in the middle of 2006 at the Department of Public Administration of the...
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Working Papers  1. ‘Celebrating 60 years of Rudolf E. Kálmán’s and Piero Sraffa’s theories: Real-world price systems are almost...
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Books 1. Mariolis, T., with the collaboration of N. Rodousakis, & G. Soklis (2021). Spectral theory of value and actual economies. Controllability,...
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Selected Articles 1997-2011 1. A simple measure of price-labour value deviation, Metroeconomica, 62 (4), pp. 605-611, 2011. 2. On constructing...
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