
1. Mariolis, T., with the collaboration of N. Rodousakis, & G. Soklis (2021). Spectral theory of value and actual economies. Controllability, effective demand, and cycles. Evolutionary Economics and Social Complexity Science, Vol. 24. Singapore: Springer. [Authors’ Contributions: Theodore Mariolis wrote Chaps. 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 9, and 11 (excluding Sect. 11.3), and coordinated the work. Nikolaos Rodousakis wrote Chap. 10 and Sect. 11.3. George Soklis wrote Chaps. 1, 5, and 7.].



2. Essays on the Work of Dimitris Batsis "The Heavy Industry in Greece" (Ed.), Athens: Tziola Publications, 2018. (in Greek).


3. Economic Policy for the Recovery of Greece (with C. Lapavitsas and the collaboration of C. Gavrielides. Foreword: Ernesto Screpanti), Athens: A. A. Livanis, 2018 (in Greek).


4. Program for Exit from the Crisis (D. Kaltsonis and K. Papoulis), Athens: Korontzis, 2017 (in Greek).


5. A New Economic Policy Programme for Greece, Athens: Korontzis, 2017 (in Greek). 


6. Eurozone Failure, German Policies, and a New Path for Greece. Policy Analysis and Proposals (with C. Lapavitsas, and the collaboration of C. Gavrielides), Berlin: Rosa-Luxemburg-Stiftung, 2017.


7. Modern Classical Economics and Reality. A Spectral Analysis of the Theory of Value and Distribution (with L. Tsoulfidis), Japan: Springer, 2016.


8. Greece, European Union and Economic Crisis, Athens: Matura, 2011 (in Greek).


9. Essays on the Logical History of Political Economy, Athens: Matura, 2010 (in Greek).


10. Introduction to the Theory of Endogenous Economic Fluctuations. Linear and Non-Linear Economic Oscillators, Athens: Typothito, 2006 (in Greek).


11. Distribution, Development and Prices. Critical Perspectives (Co-editor; with L. Tsoulfidis), New Delhi: Serials Publications, 2006.


12. The EMU Epoch: Globalization, EMU, Drachma, Stock Exchange Market (with G. Stamatis), Athens: Stachy, 2000 (in Greek).


13. European Monetary Union and Neo-Liberal Policy (with G. Stamatis), Athens: Ellinika Grammata, 1999 (in Greek).


14. Quantitative Evaluation of the Effects of Devaluation on the Cost of Production. Based on the Input–Output Table of the Greek Economy, 1988 (with Ch. Economidis, G. Stamatis, N. Fousteris), Athens: Kritiki, 1997 (in Greek).


