Internal Reports


Mariolis, T. (2006). On the matrix of technical coefficients.

Mariolis, T. (2006). Profits, values and surplus values in open economies.

Mariolis, T. (2006). Prices and labour values in the SUT.

Mariolis, T. (2006). Labour values in open economies: A critique of Okishio and Nakatani method.

Mariolis, T. (2006). Input-output models for estimating the maximum attainable economic dependency ratio.

Rodousaki, E. (2006). Intersectoral linkages and key sectors.

Rodousakis, N. (2006). The measurement of the rate of surplus value in open economies: The method of Okishio and Nakatani.

Soklis, G. (2006). On the SUTs.



Mariolis, T. (2007). A simple measure of price-labour value deviation.



Mariolis, T. (2008). The Sraffian multiplier: Theory and application.

Mariolis, T. (2008). The conversion of SUTs into SIOTs.

Mariolis, T. (2008). Bounds for prices in Sraffian systems.

Mariolis, T. (2008). Testing the Austrian theory of prices and capital.

Mariolis, T. (2008). Sectoral TFP and relative prices: theory and application.

Mariolis, T., & Rodousaki, E. (2008). Total requirements for gross output and intersectoral linkages: a note on Dmitriev’s contribution to the theory of profits.

Mariolis, T., & Soklis, G. (2008). Additive labour values and prices of production: evidence from the supply and use tables of the German and Greek Economy.

Mariolis, T., Soklis, G., & Groza, H. (2008). An input-output approach to the estimation of the maximum attainable economic dependency ratio in four European economies.

Rodousakis, N. (2008). Production functions and the falling rate of profits.

Soklis, G. (2008). The conversion of the SUTs into SIOTs: A critical review.



Mariolis, T. (2009). Eigenvalue distribution and production prices: theory and application.

Mariolis, T., & Soklis, G. (2009). On the ‘d – distance’ of Steedman and Tomkins.

Rodousakis, N. (2009). Goodwin’s Lotka-Volterra model in disaggregative form.

Rodousakis, N. (2009). Testing Goodwin’s growth cycle disaggregated models: Evidence from the input-output table of the Greek economy for the year 1988.

Soklis, G. (2009). Commodity values and prices: Evidence from the input-output tables of the Swedish economy.

Soklis, G. (2009). The wage-profit curves in joint production systems: Evidence from the SUTs of the Finnish economy.



Mariolis, T. (2010). Critical exposition of the Marxian ‘law of the failing rate of profit’: Income distribution, capital accumulation and technological change in the long-run.

Mariolis, T., & Papoulis, K. (2010). Debt dynamics, ‘twin deficits’ and international competitiveness of the Greek economy.

Mariolis, T., Soklis, G., & Iliadi, F. (2010). Eigenvalue distribution and Bienenfeld’s quadratic formula.

Rodousakis, N., & Soklis, G. (2010). Bounds for quantities in Sraffian systems.



Mariolis, T. (2016). A Sraffian (no) trade-off between autonomous demand and transfer payments. December 2016.



Mariolis, T., & Veltsistas, P. (2019). The degree of controllability of actual economies. Νovember 2019.



Mariolis, T. (2020). Some spectral properties of the matrix demand multiplier in a single production model for actual economies. January 31, 2020.



Mariolis, T. (2021). Post-Keynesian–Sraffian multiplier models. July 11, 2021.


